
Policy and Service Information

Inclement weather policy: The Library Director will make a judgement call whether or not to close the Library early, open late, or be closed all day.
Key considerations are staff transportation safety, the ability to keep sidewalks and general Library areas in a nonhazardous condition. If there is no electricity, the Library will be closed. Staff and patrons are to be considered foremost.

Downloads available below:


Service Policy

Use of a Cell Phone in the Library – Approved 1/23/2023
The library requests that all cell phone use be limited.
Any need to use a speaker phone shall be restricted to the meeting room area.

The Library Copier – Adopted October 2023
The copier is a valuable service to patrons in the community.
There are charges per page or fax using the honor system. This is a self-serve convenience. Assistance is available; however, it is not the library staff’s responsibility or obligation to make copies for someone. Please note:
1. Faxes may be received or sent.
2. A patron may not copy more than 100 copies per session.